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Website refresh
·8 mins
Website Redesign Hugo Blogging
After 7 years, it was time to migrate my old Jekyll website to a new more modern platform. Read on to learn why, how, and what the main challenges were in this process.


Using VPN during MDNS server development
·2 mins
Vpn Fullstack Tips Server
Are you using a VPN on your mobile device? Do you need to disable that to access your development web server over MDNS on your mobile device?
Gaming the pull request review system
·2 mins
Pullrequest Commit Engineering
As developers, we love to build cool things and ship them as fast as reasonably possible. And to get that done, here are a few things you can do to “game the system”.
Interactive versionable architecture diagrams
·4 mins
Graphviz Architecture Diagram Html
Tired of building un-versionable, lifeless architecture diagrams? Wouldn’t it be great if you could add your diagram to Git, embed it in your documentation, and have clickable elements?
A privacy friendly RSVP for events
·4 mins
Privacy Html Javascript Rsvp
Planning an event can be stressful, and the last thing you need is worrying about your guests’ privacy. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with a privacy-friendly RSVP option.
Using multiple SSH keys for Github and Github enterprise
·1 min
Ssh Terminal Tips
Looking to configure multiple SSH keys on the same computer? For instance to use a different SSH key for your public and enterprise Github contributions.
Removing all trackers from my website
·2 mins
Website Privacy Trackers
These past years I’ve grown to be more privacy-aware. And while this post isn’t about how I’m increasing my personal privacy, I’d like to talk about how I’m increasing yours.
Android emulator access to local server
·3 mins
Android Adb Emulator Localhost Server
How can you connect your app on an Android emulator to a development server running on the localhost of your computer? The problem # Since Android emulators create their own virtual network, they cannot access devices on your local network.


Transfer many large files from Android
·3 mins
Android Adb Backup Files
Trying to get a large number of files from your Android phone, but Android File Transfer freezing up? Here’s what I learned trying to pull ~170 Gb from my Pixel phone.
Verify Github profile link on Mastodon
·2 mins
Mastodon Github Tips
Looking to get a fancy verified checkmark on Mastodon for your Github account? This post details how I made this work. Steps # Before I get started, huge thanks to Simon Wilson for inspiring me with the original idea.