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Extending Mockito

·3 mins
Android Mockito Testing
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Due to its clean simple api, Mockito has become world’s most popular Java mocking framework. After having covered all of its basics, it’s time to spice things up and start extending Mockito.

This blogpost will demonstrate the power of custom Mockito matchers.

Problem sketch

Imagine a very simple example where a button in the UI sends a message to a User object that in its turn does the a WebService call.

Basic architecture of our situation to test

We now want to verify that the User calls the sendMessages() method on the WebService with the appropriate arguments.

Traditional test

The way to typically test such a scenario is to use an ArgumentCaptor that captures the ArrayList passed to sendMessages(). Next you can verify that the list contains the appropriate element.

public void sendMessage() throws Exception {
    User user = new User(mockWebService, USER_ID, PASSWORD);
    ArgumentCaptor<List<String>> listArgumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(List.class);
    String expectedMessage = "Test message";


    verify(mockWebService).sendMessages(eq(user), listArgumentCaptor.capture());
    List<String> messages = listArgumentCaptor.getValue();
    String actualMessage = messages.get(0);

    assertEquals(expectedMessage, actualMessage);

I don’t even have to begin to explain how cumbersome this is!

Custom matcher test

We can dramatically simplify this by writing our own Mockito matcher and use that as an argument in our test verification.

First we create a class called ListContains that implements the ArgumentMatcher interface. Then add a constructor that get’s the expected element and implement the matches() method so it checks if the list contains that element.

public class ListContains<T> implements ArgumentMatcher<List> {

    private final T object;

    public ListContains(T object) {
        this.object = object;

    public boolean matches(List list) {
        return list.contains(object);

    public String toString() {
        //printed in verification errors
        return "[list doesn't contain object]";

Note that toString() prints an error when the verification fails.

To make the matcher syntax more intuitive you should create a new class called ListMatchers that provides a easy to access the matcher.

public class ListMatchers {

    public static <K> List listContains(K object) {
        return argThat(new ListContains<>(object));

With this new custom matcher, we can simplify the test to:

public void customMatchers() throws Exception {
    User user = new User(mockWebService, USER_ID, PASSWORD);
    String expectedMessage = "Test message";


Pretty neat isn’t it?


After a great suggestion from Eugen Martynov, I’ve decided to create a library for all of these collection matchers on Github.

All you have to do is add Jitpack to your main build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

And add a dependency on the library in your project build.gradle file:

testCompile 'com.github.JeroenMols:MockitoCollectionMatchers:0.0.1'

This is very much a work in progress, so expect more matchers to come soon!


Custom matchers are a great way to simplify unit tests. In my Mockito sample project you can learn more about how to use Mockito and find other custom matcher examples.

As always you can reach me on Mastodon, or leave a comment below!

Jeroen Mols
Jeroen Mols
Jeroen Mols is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Android, the former lead Android developer at Philips Hue and an internationally recognized speaker. He is currently pushing his boundaries as a full stack developer at Plaid.