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Kotlinconf 2018 slides
·2 mins
Android Conference Kotlinconf
Was really great visiting Kotlinconf this year and I wanted to do a quick post to link to all of it’s wonderful content. Conference slides # While you will be able to find all recordings here, I often find it useful to be able to quickly scan through the slides.
Droidcon UK slides
·2 mins
Android Conference Droidconuk
Had a blast visiting Droidcon UK this year and wanted to do a quick post to link to all of it’s wonderful content. Conference slides # While you can find all recordings here, I often find it useful to be able to quickly scan through the slides.
My Google #io17 takeaways
·3 mins
Android Conference Googleio
Being my 2nd year at Google IO, I decided to do things differently: Besides taking notes during sessions, I also created a personal todo list. This contains all new (and even old) technologies I got triggered to look into.
Android Makers FR recap
·4 mins
Android Conference Androidmakers
After organizing Droidcon Paris for several year, the organizers decided to move on and experiment with a new format. This didn’t just result in a well organized conference, but also in a fresh new vibe whilst still feeling familiar.
Droidcon Berlin recap
·4 mins
Android Conference Droidcon
Having founded the entire Droidcon franchise in 2009, Droidcon Berlin is a magical conference to be at. Not only do they have an awesome lineup of speakers (including yours truly).
Droidcon Italy recap
·4 mins
Android Conference Droidcon
A conference about our favorite Green little robots? In sunny Italy? With great food and a party? Yeah, I can image how you must feel in case you missed it… I on the other hand was fortunate enough to attend and speak at this awesome conference.