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Testing made sweet with a Mockito
·2 mins
Android Mockito Testing Droidcon
At Droidcon Berlin 2016 I had a great time talking about testing using the Mockito framework. While the talk wasn’t recorded unfortunately, the great folks at Voice Republic recorded an audio version which you can listen to as a podcast or together with the slides.
Droidcon Berlin recap
·4 mins
Android Conference Droidcon
Having founded the entire Droidcon franchise in 2009, Droidcon Berlin is a magical conference to be at. Not only do they have an awesome lineup of speakers (including yours truly).
Droidcon Italy recap
·4 mins
Android Conference Droidcon
A conference about our favorite Green little robots? In sunny Italy? With great food and a party? Yeah, I can image how you must feel in case you missed it… I on the other hand was fortunate enough to attend and speak at this awesome conference.