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Supporting Android Q gestural navigation
·6 mins
Ui Androidq Navigation Gestures
From Android Q onwards devices can now operate in a fully gestural system navigation mode. In that mode, there is no longer an on-screen back button, instead users can swipe from both edges to navigate back.
Modularization - A successful architecture
·6 mins
Modularization Architecture Software Engineering Navigation Android
Now that we’ve established that modularization is a really good thing to strive for, how should a modularized app look like? How are the different modules connected?
Pro Android Studio - Taming the interface
·4 mins
Androidstudio Tools Shortcuts Navigation
Not only can anything in Android Studio be controlled with a keyboard shortcut, it offers many more simple tricks to make you more productive. To conclude this series, we will look at how you can control the interface, invoke every (!
The curious case of haunting fragments
·4 mins
Android Fragment Navigation
Do Fragment transactions and back navigation have no more secrets for you? Well then you should try to solve the mystery in this post, where a Fragment (literally) came to haunt us…