Software engineering

5 minute read

Empowered with what feature flags are and why they are useful, let’s see how we can actually integrate them into an app. And how can we roll them out to our users?

6 minute read

A key ingredient to speed up modern software development is feature flags. But what is a feature flag precisely? Why should you care about them? How do you integrate them into your codebase? And how can we make them easy...

16 minute read

Three years ago, we decided ramp up internal app development at Philips Hue. After interviewing candidates (78!) for six months, I became the lead Android developer of the freshly hired Android team.

7 minute read

Wrapping up this series on modularization I’d like to share some of the things we’ve learned at Philips Hue while going through this process the past year.

5 minute read

Now that we have a clear idea of how a modularized app could look like how can this be applied to an existing app?

5 minute read

Now that we’ve established that modularization is a really good thing to strive for, how should a modularized app look like? How are the different modules connected? And how does this look for a real app?

6 minute read

Modularizing your app seems to be all the hype these days. But why should you actually care? What are the benefits for you and your team? How should a modularized app look like? And how do you start splitting your...

7 minute read

Are you living the dream? Is your code so clean it makes your eyes just tear a little? Can’t think of anything you would still like to refactor? Never have any bugs? Using all the latest technologies?