I’m always eager to share my technical knowledge with fellow developers. Don’t hesitate to contact me on Twitter if you would like me to speak at your event!
Upcoming talks#
- To be announced
- Android Makers by Droidcon Paris - Staying passionate about your craft
- Android Makers Paris - The definitive guide to Android library development
- Droidcon Berlin - The definitive guide to Android library development
- Mumbai App Developers Meetup (GDG) - The big rewrite
- GDG Jeddah - Getting the most out of Android KTX
- Dutch Android User Group - Getting the most out of Android KTX
- Android Makers Paris - Getting the most out of Android KTX
- Async Android - Powerful layout previews
- Full Stack meetup Antwerp - Journey to painless releases: Continuous delivery for Philips Hue Android
- GDG Brussels - Successfully modularising your app
- Google Developer Experts Summit - Inclusive communication
- Mobiconf Krakow - Successfully modularising your app
- Droidcon Berlin - Write awesome unit tests
- mDevCamp Prague - Journey to painless releases: Continuous delivery for Philips Hue Android
- Android makers - Journey to painless releases: Continuous delivery for Philips Hue Android
- Fragmented Podcast - Should I Rewrite My App?
- Devoxx - Write awesome unit tests
- Droidcon UK - The big rewrite
- Droidcon Italy - The big rewrite
- Android Makers Paris - The big rewrite
- Philips Research - Deep into the IoT trenches: how to build a connected product
- Devoxx - Deep into the IoT trenches: how to build a connected product
- Droidcon UK - Deep into the IoT trenches: how to build a connected product
- Dutch Android User Group - Migrating to Android Studio 3.0
- iCapps, June 2nd - Deep into the IoT trenches: how to build a connected product
- GDG Brussels, June 7th - Testing made sweet with a Mockito
- Mobel, June 14th - Lessons learned building connected IoT products
- Devoxx UK - Deep into the IoT trenches: how to build a connected product
- Dutch Android User Group - Testing made sweet with a Mockito
- Android Makers Paris - The ART of organizing resources
- Devoxx - Testing made sweet with a Mockito
- Android dialogs - Connected products
- Big Android Barbeque Europe - Testing made sweet with a Mockito
- Big Android Barbeque Europe - Maven library distribution
- Droidcon Berlin - Testing made sweet with a Mockito
- Droidcon Italy - Distribute your libraries via Maven, even privately
- GDG Brussels - Automated library distribution to Maven
- Droidcon Paris - Distributing to a public or private Maven repository