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5 minute read

Now that we’ve established that modularization is a really good thing to strive for, how should a modularized app look like? How are the different modules connected? And how does this look for a real app?

6 minute read

Modularizing your app seems to be all the hype these days. But why should you actually care? What are the benefits for you and your team? How should a modularized app look like? And how do you start splitting your...

7 minute read

Are you living the dream? Is your code so clean it makes your eyes just tear a little? Can’t think of anything you would still like to refactor? Never have any bugs? Using all the latest technologies?

2 minute read

Architecture components are one of the most exciting things that happened to Android in the past years. But how do you effectively go about and testing this?

1 minute read

Sitting in our own couch, in our own house, kids safely asleep upstairs,… The road here was brutal, but the result is extraordinary.

7 minute read

Learning from analyzing code is one of the greatest ways to improve your skills. Can you spot the mistakes in the tests below?

2 minute read

Java interop is one of the best features of the Kotlin language, yet sometimes this also can cause unforeseen issues…

2 minute read

Was really great visiting Kotlinconf this year and I wanted to do a quick post to link to all of it’s wonderful content.

2 minute read

Kotlin is an incredibly enjoyable, concise and powerful programming language. Yet sometimes also a bit confusing…